በአባላት መዋጮ የሚደገፍ ድርጅት ሲሆን ኢትዮጵያውያን ሃይማኖት ቋንቋ ዘር ፆታ እንዲሁም ሌሎች መስፈርቶች ሳይለያየን በኢትዮጵያዊነታችን አምነን ባህላችንን የምናከብርበት እና እርስ በርስ የምንረዳዳበት ድርጅት ነው::
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Ethiopian New Year Celebration 2011 at Matthews Park

…ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

All Ethiopians are welcome to join our community.
If you have any comment, question or suggestion,
please contact us at the following addresses:
ምክር፤ሀሳብ፤ጥያቄ ካለዎት ይላኩልን፤፤
1821 University Ave W S #233
Saint Paul MN 55104
Office Phone: 651 645-9668
Office E-mail :[email protected]
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